Tuesday, November 10, 2015


It's yet another fabulous fall day! I went for a walk this morning and realized that I am SO grateful to be able to walk without pain. As some of you know, I had a motorcycle accident 11 years ago that resulted in a crush injury to my left foot. I now have 4 plates and 17 screws in my foot as a result of orthopedic surgery! It took nearly 3 years after the accident for me to heal. While I still have chronic swelling in my left foot (so no 3 inch heels for this gal!) I can walk without pain. What a miracle. I'm thankful for the great medical care I received and the gift of walking!


BHanson said...

This time of year, I am able to see the sunrise as I go to work and a sunset on the way home. They were both incredibly beautiful today!

Karen DeBaun said...

The sunrises and sunsets have been gorgeous....I agree! Thanks for your comments on gratitude and your commitment to yoga practice!

BHanson said...

A question for you, which you don't have to answer. Did you start yoga because of the accident? Or, have you been doing yoga for a long time?