Sunday, November 8, 2015

Sunday morning

This morning I am ever so grateful for a good night's sleep. I am lucky and do not have major sleep issues like some, but there is something so fabulous about sleeping deeply and waking feeling rested and ready to go!


BHanson said...

I agree, sleep is so precious for our mental and physical health! I'm grateful for electricity - the hotel's power was out in the am where we stayed on Saturday. Luckily, the sun was shining, so it didn't really hold us back.

Sandy Thibault - Life Coach said...

I had a busy weekend filled with both fun and work. I am so grateful for my health and ability to do that as that was not always the case.

Karen DeBaun said...

Sandy, yes.....we often take our good health for granted. Glad you had time for work and play! Brenda, isn't it true....we take things like heat and electricity for granted, until the power goes out!