Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"Fall" into some healthy habits

Fall has arrived. As the air gets cooler and the hours of daylight get shorter, the time is now to establish some healthy habits that will sustain you over the long winter.
If you are like me, you notice a change in your energy level and mood with the limited sunshine in the winter. Once seasonal affective disorder (or a few of it's symptoms) have set in...it can be tough to get off the couch and start something new. I think this is one reason people have such a hard time keeping New Year's Resolutions. Yes, it's a new year....but for us in MN...it is the darkest, coldest time....when we find ourselves craving carbohydrates, wanting to sleep more, and just overall feeling more lethargic....hardly the optimal time to challenge ourselves and start new habits!!!

The answer is pretty simple....start on some healthy habits and regular exercise NOW. A walk outside still feels pretty enjoyable...and if you develop the habit now, you are much more likely to continue your walks when the temperature falls below freezing. Starting a yoga class or adding a second class or home practice is another good idea....once we build things into our schedules and they are on our calendars, we are much more likely to follow through.

So...don't put off til tomorrow what you could be doing today! Take time to care for yourself by feeding yourself well, finding time to rest and sleep, and add some additional exercise (yoga is ideal !) to your routine. Come January.....you can work on maintaining these healthy habits while everyone else moans about the weight they gained over the holidays!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009


Gotta love the computer tech support industry!!! Even tho I have somewhat of a love/hate relationship with technology.....I really miss the connections and how much I use a computer every day! So.....gmail/email and the blog are accessible again!

last week to register!

My late fall evening yoga class is set to begin next Monday November 2nd. Class is from 7-8:15pm at Aslan Institute in Eagan.
My primary computer is again giving me grief...so if you have questions about the class or want to register, please give me a call: 651-681-1672.
Have a peaceful day!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Taking time

Like most folks, I tend to get wrapped up in my "to do list" and often end up feeling overwhelmed...and just frustrated that there are not enough hours in the day. Sometimes, this feeling even has me worrying about whether or not I have time for yoga practice or other forms of exercise.

What I have discovered about myself is that I tend to get more done when I have some scheduled "me time" to do yoga, go for a walk, etc. Part of why I love yoga so much is that it helps me in so many ways....not only is it a wonderful form of exercise, but it also fills a need that I have for time each day to be quiet...and to simply focus on the moment at hand. So really....even though I sometimes wonder if I have time for yoga....when I take the time to practice....it is better than any other multi-tasking that I can do!!! I end up restoring and energizing my body, calming my mind, and finding a focused attention that I can bring to the rest of my day.

I still have my struggles with feeling rushed and overwhelmed, but at least with a regular yoga practice, I am able to find times when I just sit back and notice this urge that I have to rush through things....and then I can make a different choice.... realizing that usually there is no pressing need to hurry....just an old habit of feeling that I need to move quickly. Old habits die hard...so I have to keep up with my yoga practice so that over time, I can create a new habit that is more relaxed, aware, and gentle.

I'd love to see some posts from some of my readers of this blog...what do you like about yoga??? How do you see it creating changes in your life (big or small!)?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A late fall class added!!

Ok....now that snow and cold has officially arrived in MN....let's stay warm with some yoga!!
I have a new class that is coming up soon....so please get your registrations in ASAP.

Class will be held at Aslan Institute in Eagan.
Dates: Monday's November 2nd-December 7th
Time: 7pm-8:15pm

This class will combine readings, gentle yoga, and journaling time to help you reduce stress and feel more focused and calm as we head into a busy holiday season. Make some space in your calendar for some "within" time just for you...you'll be glad you did!

As always, call or email me if you have questions or need more info!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Help for the cold and flu season!

If you start to look around, you will frequently see yoga in the news. Whether it is a new study related to back injuries or stress reduction, researchers are beginning to see the value of yoga and its role in promoting good health. As the cold and flu season approaches (ok...it's already here!) we all need to do our best to promote good healthy habits. Getting enough sleep, eating well, and finding time to exercise and relax are all important ways to keep our immune systems strong.

Yoga practice can help our immune system by engaging our "parasympathic" nervous system...rather than our "sympathetic" system that revs up for "fight or flight" at real or perceived danger (STRESS!). When we focus on our breath we improve our lung capacity and trigger the relaxation response. When we spend less time stressed to the max, we give our bodies time to rest and we find ourselves better able to fend off the viruses and bugs that surround us.

So, if we do yoga will we never be sick again?? Can't promise that...but yoga can certainly help us feel stronger...emotionally, mentally and physically....and more in tune with our bodies each day.

Be well....