Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Help for the cold and flu season!

If you start to look around, you will frequently see yoga in the news. Whether it is a new study related to back injuries or stress reduction, researchers are beginning to see the value of yoga and its role in promoting good health. As the cold and flu season approaches (ok...it's already here!) we all need to do our best to promote good healthy habits. Getting enough sleep, eating well, and finding time to exercise and relax are all important ways to keep our immune systems strong.

Yoga practice can help our immune system by engaging our "parasympathic" nervous system...rather than our "sympathetic" system that revs up for "fight or flight" at real or perceived danger (STRESS!). When we focus on our breath we improve our lung capacity and trigger the relaxation response. When we spend less time stressed to the max, we give our bodies time to rest and we find ourselves better able to fend off the viruses and bugs that surround us.

So, if we do yoga will we never be sick again?? Can't promise that...but yoga can certainly help us feel stronger...emotionally, mentally and physically....and more in tune with our bodies each day.

Be well....

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