Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Upcoming Class Details

Hello All!
December is here! My Yoga Moodra classes meet as scheduled this week and next week is the last week of classes for 2015!! (with the exception of the FREE Holiday class and celebration on Monday December 14th at Advent United Methodist Church in Eagan).

Yoga class dates are all set for January, so have a look at the left side of the page for details! Now that snow has started falling, I want to let you all know that I rarely cancel classes due to weather. I believe it has happened only once or twice in the 7+ years that I have been teaching. With that said, please use your own best judgment about whether you want to be out on the roads and remember that you can make-up missed classes at my other locations. If I do decide to cancel class, I will send an email reminder out at least 90 minutes prior to class and will also post any cancellations here on the blog.

We took some pictures in yoga class a few weeks ago and a couple of them are now a part of a Yoga Moodra Facebook page. So...like us on Facebook!

I have had a couple of requests for gift certificates for Yoga Moodra. I can happily provide these in any dollar amount, so let me know if you want to purchase one (or add the suggestion to your Christmas list).

Finally, the Black Friday sale which offers a hefty discount on my January Workshop entitled Live Your Yoga: Love Your Body and Transform Your Health ends TONIGHT! If you have been considering this month long workshop that is meant to provide you with support and yoga teachings that teach healthy living, then take advantage of this special pricing. ($129 instead of the $179 rate online). I know it's a busy time and there are lots of things that are vying for your attention, but I hope that you'll put your own health first and get some time just for you on your January calendar (and while the price is so darned good!) Click on the website button at the left top of the page to go and register now. You know you want to...follow that healthy instinct and give yourself the gift of better health in 2016.

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