Monday, December 21, 2015

Holiday Stress Busting Tip

This Holiday season, vow to do only one thing at a time. Recent research on the brain tells us that "multi-tasking" is a myth. The brain can only think about one thing at at time, so if you are driving a car and talking on the phone, you are engaging in rapid shifts in attention, from the phone, to your driving, back to the phone, and to driving. You are not doing both tasks with optimal efficiency.

So, at this stressful time of the year, save yourself from multi-tasking. If you are driving; drive. If you are eating, sit down and eat and notice the food! Doing one thing at a time helps us to focus and be more effective at the task at hand. It also helps us feel less scattered and we're able to be more "present" with others.

Do one thing at a time. You'll enjoy the holidays more fully and feel more relaxed while you do.

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