Sunday, January 3, 2016

Here's to 2016!

Happy New Year Everyone!

As you look ahead to a new year, I hope you are filled with anticipation and ideas and dreams for your future! In the past week, I have been reading a book entitled Daring Greatly by Brene Brown. The book explains that to be "great" and to dare to do bold things, we need to address our fear of vulnerability and our worries that we will fail or be hurt.

I truly believe that my own yoga practice has made me a more confident and braver person. Do I still have anxiety about trying new things or making mistakes? You better believe it! Yet, when I get on the yoga mat, amazing things happen. I open up to my own vulnerability, I breathe deeply, and as I move my body and observe my mind, I find that I can create space for new ways of thinking and being in the world. When I feel shaky and vulnerable on the mat, I am learning that I can slow down, just observe, and be ok. This becomes a perfect metaphor for my life since I tend to rush around, avoiding anything that feels difficult, and then worrying about the future and outcomes that I have no control over.

Who knew that yoga could help with all these things?? It is my hope that more of us can get on the mat and find some space to live a bit more boldly and to dare to share our gifts with the world in a more complete way. Once again, yoga practice shows itself to be so much more than simply physical exercise and movement: it truly is a practice for living that can transform not just your body, but your mind and spirit as well.

Come and do some yoga this year....I dare you to be great in 2016.

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