Monday, January 11, 2016

Good Health!

I just emailed and texted with some friends of mine who are lucky enough to have time to spend in Florida each winter. While we tend to associate bad colds and flu with cold winter weather like we are experiencing here in Minnesota, my friends in Florida are all sick!!

My hope is to stay healthy this winter, but I am very aware that this is only partly under my control. I try to sleep well, eat healthy and I wash my hands compulsively during the cold and flu season, but even that will not guarantee that I escape the bugs that are around.

What all of this brings to mind is how IMPORTANT our health is and how much we tend to take it for granted. It is only when we get sick or laid up in some way that we are reminded that our health is precious and should never be taken for granted.

Whether you are someone that has set a New Years Resolution or not, I hope you will consider treating yourself well and doing what you can to maintain and improve your health. While healthy habits are not a guarantee that we will always be healthy, it's our best shot at maintaining our bodies and having the energy to be at our best each day.

May you be happy....may you be healthy!

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