Monday, January 16, 2017

Don't waste your time!

Most of you that take my yoga classes know that I try to encourage a balance between work and rest, or effort and ease. In my recent posts, I have encouraged rest and finding ways to stay warm and cozy. I'm under my snuggie blanket drinking turmeric tea as I write this, so yes, it does feel good to warm up and rest on a dark and cold January evening.

Given that, it is also important to keep moving and be involved as an active participant in this thing called life. There are plenty of us out there who are struggling with health issues, dealing with grief, worrying about financial struggles, or adjusting to divorce and the loss of a marriage. The bottom line is that we are not promised a life full of happiness and ease. Sometimes things are just hard and we can do nothing but continue to put one foot in front of the other. We all know the truth: that we tend to take our good health, our relationships, our jobs and so much more for granted.

Today, use your time to care for yourself and tend to those around you. Little things DO matter, so find ways to act with love and tenderness and take time to do things well. Don't take the time that you have been given for granted. Cherish it!

Life really is a balancing act. Rest some and restore. But don't sit on the sidelines while life passes you by. Work some, rest some. Seek to find a balance each day of effort and ease.

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