Friday, December 30, 2011

New Year Resolutions

It seems like every magazine and newspaper in the past few days has featured articles and "tips" for setting New Years resolutions. You can find everything from strict fasts/body cleanses, to new exercise ideas, and even the notion that you can start a self improvement project whenever you realize that you need one (so it doesn't have to be only on New Years Day!). The best idea I have come across so far is that one should create a goal or resolution around something that will bring you happiness and joy.

Last year, my resolution was pretty vague: Do More Yoga! I have tried to be more aware and deliberate about my own practice (in addition to my teaching) and I have to admit, that yoga makes me really happy and has brought lots of joy to my life. My favorite part of yoga is the way it helps create space...not just physical space like flexibility, but emotional and mental space that I need for new ideas, clarity, and quiet.

So, if you decide to set a resolution this year, I am biased and will hope that you include "do more yoga" in your to do list for 2012. :) Whether you set a resolution or not, I hope that 2012 will be a year of good health and prosperity for all of you!

My toast for the New Year: Here's to letting go of the past and releasing the need to overplan and fret about the future...breathe...and enjoy the gift of this moment in time.

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