Friday, February 4, 2011

Cold and Flu Season

Hopefully you are reading this and feeling well. Try to keep it that way! You already know the basics I am sure: getting good rest, eating well, washing your hands, etc.

Did you know that your yoga practice can help you stay healthy too? Yoga helps us manage stress and reduces stress hormones in the body (like cortisol) which helps our immune systems stay strong. In addition, yoga helps us to tune in to our bodies, which should help us recognize early signs that we are getting run down, thus allowing us to get more rest and do what we can to try to fend off a major illness.

We are only human, so once in awhile, we will experience ill health. With that said, if you keep up with your yoga practice over time, I am confident that you will notice that you are ill less often.

Stay well....and see you on the yoga mat!!

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