Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Practicing at Home

Developing a home practice can be challenging.....but even little things add up over time. The next time you are watching your favorite TV program, do a couple of balance poses during the commercial break. At your desk at work, take a brief break to breathe deeply and do some shoulder rolls and a seated spinal twist.
These may seem small, but just like taking the stairs rather than an elevator and parking a bit farther from entrances when you go shopping, they all add up to helping you improve your health and well-being.
See if you can add some moments of yoga to your week. Let go of the idea that less than a full yoga class is not worthwhile. Be good to yourself and do what you can. You may find that small efforts lead to bigger ones. I find that the more yoga I do...the more I want to do!
Peace and good health!

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