Saturday, January 8, 2011


The concept of equanimity is an extraordinarily difficult one to put into practice. Equanimity refers to dealing with our day to day circumstances in an even handed and balanced way. I had a yoga teacher once say the following: "imagine that you are walking barefoot on a summer day in thick soft grass. The earth feels cool and solid underneath you, when suddenly you step...and squish.... you realize that you have stepped directly into dog poop." If we are practicing equanimity, then we should be able to approach each step with a similar level of intensity. For most of us, we'd be enjoying the walk up until the dog poop moment...then we'd freak out, jump around, wondering why we were having such a sh***y day (sorry...could not resist the pun!).

I have been trying (with some successful moments and some not) to use the concept of equanimity this January. I am not much of a fan of winter, especially when dealing with slippery roads and biting wind. I have tried to develop a mindset of simply being with and accepting what the weather provides each day rather than complaining and moaning (my usual response). I admit that this is a work in progress, and can be moment to moment...but I do find that when I can release what I want the weather to be like, and instead just be present with what 'is', then it really helps me from falling into a funk and being bummed out by the weather. It's no different really than the concept in cognitive behavioral therapy which states that what we think about is then reflected in our feelings.

So...on this cold January day...stay warm...try to find a still and peaceful place inside of you that remains constant and the matter the weather!

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