Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Yoga at your Desk

Sometimes it can be hard to find time in our schedules for yoga practice. Remember that you can do some simple yoga almost anywhere!! Your breath is available to you 24/7. No matter where you are, you can pause and take a minute or 2 and simply focus on deep belly breaths, taking air in through the nose and out. We often do not realize that we are breathing shallowly or clenching our jaw, or slumping in our chairs....but by taking a few moments each day to check in and truly notice how your body is feeling, you can begin to learn some healthier habits.

Any posture done seated on the floor in yoga class can usually be done at a desk chair as well. Give yourself a few moments to rotate your ankles and reach for your toes, or take an easy spinal stretch while gently holding the back of your chair. Taking time to go to yoga class and share in the other participants energy is always beneficial, but little snippets of breath work and stretching during your workday can bring some calm and reduce some stress when you need it most.

Have a peaceful day!

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