Monday, August 16, 2010

Home practice tips

I am frequently asked about yoga home practice by students. It can be a real challenge to begin a home practice and to know "where to start". I believe that any yoga done mindfully is start small, with just a few poses and stretches that you are familiar with and comfortable in...and go from there.

Just like anything else...the hardest part is starting! Just decide that you will take 5-10 minutes to move through some gentle yoga asanas (postures) may surprise yourself when you realize that you actually spent 20 or 30 minutes doing yoga!

If you have never done yoga before, I always recommend that people start in a class setting with an instructor and then move into using DVD's etc at home. They can be a wonderful tool, but many of the videos/DVD's move too quickly and do not provide many alternatives or modifications which help beginners feel successful and able to move safely through new postures and movements.

So...begin in mountain pose with a few breaths (in through the nose and out)...try a simple Warrior I and II and maybe a few other standing poses that you enjoy.....add in a balance pose and some stretching on the floor...and then feel good about the fact that you have done something to nurture your body mind and spirit. Over time, you will begin to crave the release and energy that yoga provides....and you'll be on your way to a daily yoga practice that works for you.

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