Wednesday, May 27, 2015

recipe...sort of!

A few weeks back, I got a request to post recipes on this site. A laugh out loud moment for me, as I do not consider myself a culinary whiz! However, I DO like to eat! I thought I'd share my current favorite snack in case there are some of you that are looking for a new treat.

Wasa Light Rye
Feta Cheese crumbled
Grape Tomato

Take a tablespoon or so of avocado and spread it on 2 Wasa Crisps. Sprinkle a few crumbles of feta cheese on top and then top it off with a few sliced grape tomatoes. Add a dash of salt if you'd like. I really like this combination of flavors and its a great way to use up a bit of leftover avocado.  Even my husband likes this treat! Once my basil is ready to go....I would imagine a bit of basil (or other herbs you like) on top could make it even more scrumptious.

Happy Snacking!


BHanson said...

yum - sounds tasty! We could have a healthy snack competition for bragging rights :)

Karen DeBaun said...

If you've got a favorite healthy snack you want to share....please feel free to share!!