Thursday, April 23, 2015

Attachment to our own ideas

As some of you know, I am sick (AGAIN!) for the 3rd time in about eight weeks. I am really crabby! So, what's underneath this attitude of crabbiness??  I "think" that because I am an active and pretty healthy person, that I should somehow NOT get sick. We all get attached to these kinds of ideas and belief systems that we think are real and true. The real reality is that I am human, and for some reason, I have run across 3 viruses that I could not shake.

Have you ever had a plumber come to your house to do a repair or installation of some kind? They announce to you that they are going to shut your water off for a period of time.....and suddenly, you start to feel that you are trapped in the are thirsty, there are dishes to wash, the cat water bowl should be re-filled!! In some ways, this is how I start to feel whenever I am ill and low energy. I start obsessing about all of the tasks that are NOT being accomplished and all that I should and could be doing, but cannot, because of illness. It's really pretty dumb, but I am guessing (hoping!) that I am not alone in this feeling.

Yoga is one way that I can let go of this ridiculous thinking pattern and story. I work on letting go and accepting things as they are in this moment. I don't have to get attached to ideas that I have to accomplish certain things every day or else the day was a waste.

Maybe some of you can relate to this. It's always a good exercise to try to objectively look at the thoughts behind the emotions that are causing us anger, sadness, or irritation. If I can instead change the story, and consider all of the magnificent things that my body is currently doing to heal itself and restore, well, that's pretty amazing. So for now, I will sit near my tissue box, rest, and try to be patient and accept that I will soon be well again in good time.

Here's to good health and patience!


BHanson said...

I love your note about how yoga helps you be in the moment. My daughter was getting anxious last night about upcoming tests. We took the time to do one of your down dog - low lunge - warrior sequences together. By the end it didn't cure her anxiety, but she was able to focus so we could talk through the issues. It's good to have these in our toolkit.

Karen DeBaun said...

This is awesome! You are spreading the power of yoga! Breath and movement can be so helpful when we are feeling anxious and overwhelmed.