Saturday, January 3, 2015

Happy New Year!

It is with both optimism and dread that I look ahead to the new year. The dread part comes from the fact that winter is long in these parts... it's a hard season for me....full of cold, quiet, and darkness. As an impatient person, the beauty and warmth of spring and summer seem so very far away. The optimism piece as I consider a new year is that part of me that tends to be hopeful and positive by nature....I love considering the fact that the next year will bring joy (and maybe some sadness, surprises, and heartbreak) that I cannot imagine at this time. It's a time of wonder and enormous potential.

Rather than get overwhelmed by the length of winter, or the big unknowns of a brand new year ahead, my yoga practice brings me back to the here and now. I remind myself that it is in THIS moment that I have an opportunity to be aware and can attempt to live life to the fullest. It can be too easy to reflect on and dwell on the past, and all too easy to get caught up in trying to control the future. So, for today, I will try to live in contentment and peace...easing off the throttle of goals, to do lists, and all the things that take me away from being here....right now.

Peace, prosperity, laughter, and joy to you and yours in this fabulous new start to 2015.

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