Monday, January 5, 2015


How do you go about making changes in your life? Do you do your best when others encourage and support you? How well do you do with change if you feel coerced, obligated, or criticized? If you are like many folks that are trying to make some positive changes in the New Year, why not try to add some support and encouragement...some kindness to the effort? We would never berate a child in order to try to get them to behave, so why do we criticize and put ourselves down when we want to create a new habit or learn to do something new?

Maybe we will all do better with our goals and our New Year Resolutions if we first resolve to be nice! Treat yourself with deep patience and kindness. Think about the ways that you can nurture good and healthy habits and let go of ideas that involve deprivation and doing without. Start from a place that is loving and accepting.

"Things are beautiful if you love them." Jean Anoulih

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