Sunday, December 28, 2014

New Favorite Ad

I recently ran across a new ad campaign from Whole Foods. The ad states: "Treat your body like it belongs to someone you love." Wow! How's that going for ya?? I'll be the first to admit that I use the "holiday season" as an excuse to eat treats and snacks that I typically avoid otherwise. I stay up late at parties, drink more wine, and generally get stressed about stuff that just is not that important. In other words, I'm not paying much attention to treating my physical self well. At this point, with Christmas come and gone and a new year coming in fast, I feel more than ready to use this ad campaign as my new slogan and words to really try to live by.

I hate the idea of feels so restrictive. Changing the narrative to 'feeding my body well' and treating myself with deep kindness and respect feels optimistic and full of potential. As the New Year unfolds, I'll be trying to focus on all of the ways that I can treat my whole self with deep love....eating really nourishing food, getting plenty of rest, doing yoga, and finding time for laughter, reflection, and spending time really being present with family and friends. It's not a selfish enterprise....when we are healthy and whole, we bring that to our relationships and into a world that deeply needs examples of living in peace and good health.

I hope to see many of you back on the mat in 2015....let's make this the year that we treat our bodies like they belong to someone we love!

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