Sunday, February 21, 2010


I have heard from many people that they are frustrated and fed up with winter and I'd include myself in this group. I am eagerly awaiting Spring and often times find myself impatient with the slow pace of winter.
One of the things that I love about yoga practice is the many ways that it teaches me to be a more patient person. When I am on my mat and trying to focus on the here and now, I find that I am more content and willing to allow things to simply be as they are.
In yoga teaching, this idea is called Santosha. Santosha refers to the experience of letting go of expectations and accepting and being content with what is.
In your yoga practice, see if you can find a space of calm and gratitude...being thankful for the moment you are experiencing...accepting things just as they are. When you will be practicing and experiencing santosha.

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