Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering Sept. 11

I had the opportunity to attend a ceremony/prayer service last evening here in Eagan that focused on remembering Sept 11th and honoring both emergency responders and military that are currently serving in our war on terror.
It's hard to recall the day of Sept 11th and the days and weeks that followed. It was a time of profound sadness, fear, and anxiety. As I reflected on that date and time eight years ago, I couldn't help but feel sadness. I remember the deep connection that I felt to my fellow Americans and the sense of community and "we-ness" in the days and weeks that followed Sept 11. Even in rush hour traffic, there was a noticeable difference...people politely yielding to others in traffic...without the usual rudeness and aggressive manuevering.
Today, as we reflect on the loss that we all experienced on Sept 11, 2001...maybe we can honor those that lost their lives (and those that continue to put themselves in harms way for our protection) by returning to that sense of community. Instead of arguing and screaming at one another about our disagreements, maybe we can see our commonality and find a peaceful and respectful way to interact...if even just for a day.

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