Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Need a Friend?

What does it mean to be a good friend? Most of us would list things like having similar interests, someone who is comfortable to be with, someone we can trust and encourages us to be our best. Hopefully you have some friends like this in your life, but what about being a friend to yourself? For some reason, so many of us hold the belief that we need to be harsh and hard on ourselves in order to improve our circumstances. I cannot count the times that I have heard people say very kind and accepting things to others, yet turn on themselves with a vengence and cruelty. I fall into this trap as so many do. I stand in front of the mirror and instead of smiling and considering my capacity, I immediately get into fault finding and criticism. Why do I have so many gross veins? Why can't I get more organized? My gosh, I look like a wrinkly old hag! Maybe you have said some similar things to yourself. Can you imagine saying these same things to a dear friend? Of course not!!

So, how can you start being a better friend to yours truly? Here are 3 tips to try:

Be grateful. In your yoga practice and throughout your day, practice gratitude for each breath and for all the ways your body CAN move.  Be careful...let go of the thoughts that pop to mind about your body and its limitations. Try to let go of whatever negative thing you are perseverating about. Let go of body shaming or tormenting yourself about things that you cannot control. Simply notice negative thoughts as they creep in. Breathe and replace them with a more positive statement. Gratitude and thankful thoughts shift our perspective and over time we see more things to be grateful about in our lives.

Practice Affirmations. Find a short word or phrase that fits your needs and make it your mantra. This could be a part of a bible verse or quote, or something you create. I am enough. I am beautifully and wonderfully made. I am kind and gentle. I am open to change. I am strong and capable.

Be there for you! Just as you would be a caring presence for a friend, be that for yourself. Set aside time to rest. Feed yourself with wholesome foods. Laugh. Take time to be in nature. Treat yourself with kindness and respect in whatever small ways you choose.


BHanson said...

I agree! In being grateful, we have to actively look for the good in others or ourself. When you focus on what you do well, you will do more of it!

Thank you for the reminder, Karen. You are a good friend to all of us!

Karen DeBaun said...

Thanks for your comment Brenda! Glad to know someone is reading! So agree.....what we choose to focus on is so important! We all have strengths and things to share with the world and the more we remember this, the stronger we will be!