Monday, February 22, 2016


In yoga class this week, I thought we would play with the ideas of effort and ease. For some of us, we don't feel quite right unless we are constantly pushing, rushing, or competing with ourselves or other people. For some of us, we feel vulnerable, frightened, or too embarrassed to really put ourselves out there on the mat or in the world in any substantial way. What if there was a place of balance to be found between these two extremes? We should be able to recognize that there are times when we need to push a bit and test ourselves, and times when we should withdraw for a time to reflect and rest.
As you practice on the mat this week, observe how you respond to the postures/asanas. Yoga has so much that it can teach us, not just about how we approach our physical bodies, but also how we respond to things that feel comfortable or challenging. There is no right or wrong in this, but over time, as we become more aware of our tendencies or typical responses, we can explore them and modify them when necessary. If you're holding back from challenge or effort, maybe there are some small ways to move out of your comfort zone. If you're pressing and insisting and constantly 'leaning into' effort, maybe you can soften and recognize that rest and simplicity also have deep value.

1 comment:

BHanson said...

I'm finding that sometimes when I have pain, there are other areas that need strengthening. For instance, my thumb joints and hands often hurt during practice. While I do go up on my knuckles, I've found ways to stretch and strengthen my hands, also. This has started to help. Not sure if this relates to life, but it's true that when one area of my life is 'hurting', sometimes it requires a fix elsewhere.