Monday, May 19, 2014


My book club just finished reading a book (A Tale for the Time Being) about a young girl struggling to find her place in the world. Her grandmother Jiko was a wise woman who practiced meditation and tried to help her granddaughter discover her "superpowers". We all have unique talents and gifts. Yet if we are asked, many of us can't articulate what we are good at or what talents we have. There certainly aren't too many of us talking up our "superpowers"!

Nelson Mandela once said "Who are we, not to shine?" Take some time to consider what you have to offer.....and then make sure you offer it! Don't hold back....the world needs people with different skills, talents (and even superpowers) to take action. Allow your yoga practice to become a place to explore and get in touch with your inner capacity and gifts. Find some time to be quiet and reflect about your life, your work and all that you have to offer. Live your best life...breathe deep...stay open to new adventures. Each moment is an opportunity to get started. It's time to use those superpowers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This a good post Karen. I enjoy reading your blog. Thank you for sharing your ideas and feelings.