Monday, April 21, 2014

Time for Self Care

What is it that makes it so hard to take good care of ourselves? Why do we push so hard and rest so little? I suspect that if you are like me, that this comes from a small voice within that is convinced that there is not enough time. Even when there is plenty of time, we get impatient and want things to move quickly. We make decisions to work more and sleep less...we respond to the needs of others and put our own needs at the bottom of our priority list.
Make a commitment to slow down a bit. You may just find that with a slower, more thoughtful pace, you actually get more done! Take good care of yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Get good rest. Eat well. Move and breathe and approach each day as the gift that it is. If that is hard to do....try some yoga! Yoga will put you in touch with what your body needs. Yoga practice will help you feel more aware of your emotions and thinking. Yoga will bring you focus and clarity, connecting you with the beauty and divine that is at your center. Surely we all have some time for that!

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