Monday, June 21, 2010

practice regard for yourself...then share it!

Most of us have been on an airplane and heard that we should "secure our own mask before attempting to help others." At first glance, this can seem self-serving and selfish, but we all know that unless we care for and nurture ourselves...we don't have much to offer others.
Here are some phrases I ran across in a recent Yoga Journal article:
May I be happy
May I be peaceful
May I be safe from harm
May I be free of suffering
May I hold myself with softness and care.

Then I like to add to those phrases...may all people....
May all people be happy
May all people be peaceful
May all people be safe from harm
May all people be free of suffering
May all people regard themselves with softness and care.

Repeat these phrases, see how you feel.... and allow your love and compassion to flow.

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