Tuesday, December 22, 2009

An easy at home practice!

Outline for a Yoga Home Practice:

Spend a few minutes in an easy seated pose just breathing (Set a timer for 3-5 minutes…or just count 10-20 slow deep even breaths)

Tune into your body and begin to stretch whatever it is that feels the most tight/stiff…..shoulders, neck or hips…..

(Do some easy neck rolls, seated cat/cow, or lean forward over the legs to stretch the outside of the hips).
Move to your hands and knees/table top….move thru child’s pose and table top or kneeling plank

Press to down dog….then to forward fold.

Find a standing mountain position, choose 2-4 standing poses (triangle, Warrior I, Warrior II, or side angle pose) and complete on each side.

Balance: Find tree pose or other balance pose (Count 6 breaths per side)

Return to the floor and stretch the inner thighs with butterfly or wide legged seated forward fold

Roll onto your back….do some abdominal crunches.

Release the hips with Happy Baby

Relax and congratulate yourself for taking some time JUST FOR YOU! SMILE! BREATHE! Take this rested and open feeling with you during your day!!

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