Monday, February 4, 2019

Heart Month!!!

Happy February!
I guess the Groundhog did not see his shadow, so that will mean an early spring, right??? After last week's "polar vortex" and extreme cold, it would be nice to have an early spring and long hot summer!

February is the month of Valentine's Day....and is the adopted month of the American Heart Association to promote heart health. What will you do to improve your heart health this month? Research has shown that stress and heartache are hard on us both mentally and physically. My hope is that through the practice of yoga, we can all get in touch with our own loving nature and be able to share our love and compassion with those around us.

Expect some heart openers in classes this month....postures that allow us to breathe deeply into our heart space, finding room for more love and joy.

Happy Heart Month!

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