Wednesday, December 6, 2017


Hopefully this December finds you healthy and enjoying the holiday season. If you are starting to feel a bit stressed or stretched when you consider your "to-do" list, take a few moments to breathe. Obvious, yes, but when we turn our attention to the breath, we really can affect our nervous system and find our way to a sense of calm and focus.

So, if you find yourself stuck in traffic, waiting in line, or feeling frustrated by something, breathe. Notice your breath as it flows in and out. Choose a word or 2 or a phrase to repeat to yourself as you breathe.  Perhaps choosing Peace on the inhale, and Quiet on the exhale, or Calm on the breath in and Steady on the breath out. Use any words that feel soothing or grounding for you. Try it out. We practice this on the mat in yoga class, but the breath is always with us and can be a wonderful tool at our disposal during the course of a stressful and hectic day.

Breathe deep and enjoy your December!

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