Saturday, March 16, 2013


I don't typically think of myself as a very graceful person, but occassionally during a yoga practice I will feel really connected to the physical. I enjoy getting  in touch with feeling vibrant and flexible and strong. I was reading an article recently in Natural Health magazine and the author of the article, Mary Helen Bowers, wrote this: " must treat your body with the care it deserves. Otherwise, you lose a natural connection with your innate gracefulness and athleticism". Wow. How often do I consider myself graceful and athletic??

That's the beauty of a yoga practice....When I am on the mat, I get an opportunity to let go of all the criticism and judgments that I have somehow decided must be true. I can simply enjoy and experience wholeness of body, mind, and spirit. There is no need for competition or thoughts about who is the strongest or best... there is simply time to be present and enjoy and honor my own strengths and gifts.

So, today I will treat myself with love and kindness. I will accept circumstances just as they are. I will remember that I am graceful and getting stronger every day.

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