Monday, September 17, 2012


In many yoga studios, you will find props like blankets, bolsters, straps, and blocks. All of these tools are meant to help you find a healthy and safe expression in various yoga postures. For example, propping the hips a bit by sitting on a folded blanket will help you to sit tall, and as a result, may help you find a deeper spinal twist than you can do if your back is collapsed or rounded. Props are for beginners and advanced practitioners alike, so don't be afraid to try them out.
Another lovely prop is an eye pillow...which will allow you to withdraw a bit more from your surroundings and limit visual distractions, enabling you to focus on the breath and releasing more deeply during final relaxation. They are also a great way to ease tension in the forehead that we may not even be aware of. time a prop is suggested or available...try it out! Let go of your ego that is telling you "I can do the pose without that!" and simply be open to using the prop and observing the body.

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