Monday, May 31, 2010


I talked last week in my yoga classes about the concept of balance.....we obviously practice "balance" in our postures constantly in yoga class. However, what brings me back to yoga over and over again are the ways that the physical practice helps me to incorporate new ways of being (spiritually, emotionally and physically) in my day to day life. So, balance becomes more than balancing on one foot in Tree pose or Warrior III. Yoga becomes a way for me to practice being calm and staying "balanced" in the stressful and overwhelming times in my day and week.

If you are an ongoing student of will probably find that I stress themes in yoga class that are also lessons I am trying to learn! As a Mom of a graduating high school senior, I have so many thoughts and feelings going through my mind these days...that I could easily become overwhelmed and extraordinarily stressed out!! (This may still happen...even with yoga...stay tuned!!) Through the practice of yoga I hope to try to find some balance and calm amidst the flurry of activity and change that each day brings. Yoga practice doesn't create an easy path, but it provides some tools to help us survive the journey with grace and joy.
Enjoy the beauty of this day!
See you in yoga class!

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