Thursday, April 3, 2014

You just never know.....

First of all, I am writing this after my Thursday evening class and it is windy and snowing out.  I am so proud of all you "fierce yogis!!" I mean fierce not in terms of anger or aggression, but fierce as in determined, dedicated and consistent! I am so lucky to be your teacher. In all of my classes during this seemingly endless and brutal winter (even early April is feeling pretty wintery!) I have been so impressed by the dedication and commitment that you all have when it comes to showing up for your yoga practice.

So, in honor of all of my students...I will be doing a little promo....that only those of you who check in with my blog will be able to participate in....leave a comment or some sign that you have been reading...and you just never may be the lucky one to receive a discounted session, a yoga prop, or maybe a bit of chocolate. Small tokens of my love and gratitude for all of you!

Spring will be here the meantime, enjoy the beauty of YOU and look for beauty all around you!


Carissa said...

The weather certainly keeps it interesting! I'm pretty sure that one week is nice, the next is not :) So glad you provide a relaxing environment to forget about the crazy weather for a bit!! Thanks for what you do!

Tammie said...

Nice! We love our f
"Fierce" teacher too!

Debbie said...

I enjoy your teaching so very much, thank you:)