Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Welcome to 2018

May this be your best year yet! I am looking forward to getting new yoga sessions started next week after some time off to celebrate the holidays. I love the parties and gatherings of Christmas and New Years Eve, but I've gotta say, I am really ready to get back to a routine and to see you all enjoying yoga again!

Here's the schedule for classes:

Monday: Advent United Methodist Church Eagan. 4:30-5:30pm 6 class session cost is $50. Dates: January 8-February 12.

Tuesday: Glendale United Methodist Church Savage. 4:30-5:30pm 6 class session cost is $50. Dates: January 9- February 13.

Thursday: All Saints Lutheran Church Eagan. 7-8pm 6 class session cost is $50 Dates: January 11-February 15.

Please bring your payments (cash/check) with you to the first class and bring your punch card if you have one!

Invite your friends and neighbors. As a reminder, if new folks want to try out some yoga, you can attend for a $10 drop in fee. If you will miss a class, you are welcome to attend class at another site to complete a make-up class.

See you on the mat!!


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