Monday, April 16, 2012

Use your words Wisely

One of the reasons I like yoga, is that it provides me with a time of quiet. When I am practicing (and not teaching) I am not talking! I admit that I am a pretty verbal person, so it can be hard for me to be quiet. Sometimes I talk just to try to organize myself and my thoughts, and sometimes I talk as a way of controlling a situation or in an effort to "look smart" and capable.

I need a practice that helps me to be quiet and more discerning. I am working on being more deliberate and careful with my speech. The yoga concept of Satya or truthfulness is an idea that promotes using our words carefully so that we might bring our words and actions into harmony. I am trying to put into practice "say what you mean and mean what you say" but I will admit that this is not always easy.

May our words be truthful and a blessing to others! Have a great week.


Tammie said...

So True! I think one reason I feel so much better after a yoga class is the quiet in my mind!

Karen DeBaun said...

I know that is very true for me as well! Thanks for the comment...and for being such a dedicated student!