Thursday, June 25, 2009


Those that know me well know that I love the warm weather and spend 75% of my time during the year feeling cold up here in the northland of MN! With the recent warm weather and sunny skies, I feel energized and my feet are not numb from cold!!
The heat can feel great, but we also need to be careful that we don't over-exert and over-heat ourselves. Take outdoor work and exercise more slowly, and try to get that walk or yoga practice in during the morning when it's a bit cooler.
Earlier this week I went out for a walk and then began my yoga practice on the deck. The sun was already blazing at 8:30 am and soon I found myself sweating profusely!! I first told myself that rather than feel irritated by the heat, that I would simply notice my sweat and label it my bodies effort to cool itself. After a few minutes, I also had to tell myself, "aw, c'mon, why push so hard?? This is your first yoga practice in this level of heat" (since my last Bikram class in April!). I realized at that moment the "edge" that is so often talked about in yoga...yes it is fine to challenge yourself and continue to be diligent in practice, but it is also SO important to honor and care for our bodies and give them what they need (which may vary from day to day).
So...get out there and enjoy the summer weather...but practice awareness and lovingkindness so that you don't over do it!

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