Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Save the date!

Details are coming together for what will be an amazing day retreat!!! Mark Saturday November 6th on your calendars now.....

Full Powered Living: Saturday November 6th, 2010
a day of gentle yoga, breath work, and reflection. A day designed to support you in feeling fully grounded and aware of your own presence and power. More info to follow!
Enjoy this fabulous July Day!


Monday, July 26, 2010

taking time away

One of the wonderful things about yoga is the quiet relaxation time at the end of class. This time is considered to be the most powerful part of class, giving us some much needed time to simply BE.

This past week, I was traveling in Alaska, and the naturalist aboard our ship read the following passage from Shakespeare:

"And this, our life, exempt from public haunt,
finds tongues in trees,
books in the running brook,
sermons in stones,
and good in everything."

May you each have some time today to "escape" your public find some time for stillness and an opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the earth.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Life is short...

I ran across this ancient Chinese proverb...

enjoy your's later than you think!

Monday, July 12, 2010

yoga is delicious!

Due to a recent family emergency, I have had very little time for a personal yoga practice and for the first time in quite awhile, I did not teach any yoga for over a week! I got back in the fabulous! I was almost brought to tears as I allowed myself to get in touch with the beauty of simply breathing.....and watching my students enjoy a practice together.
May yoga be a balm for whatever ails certainly is for me!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

trying something new!

I am very excited...I met this week with 2 dear friends and former colleagues to begin to plan a fall wellness retreat!!! As we began to discuss ideas, formats, and locations, my energy and excitement grew. It is so exhilarating to take on a new project and do something new! Stepping out into new territory can be a bit anxiety producing, but I know that I will grow and learn so much as I move through the process. That's perhaps the coolest part.....knowing that you are putting together something that will be of benefit to others...and then reaping benefits for yourself along the way!!
Enjoy this holiday weekend and the gorgeous sunshine!! May this time bring you an opportunity to try something new!
P.S. In case you are wondering...the retreat date is Saturday November 6th!!!